Is your home always dusty? Does your air conditioner always seem to be running? Are you or your family members having trouble with asthma or allergy attacks? It may be time to clean the air ducts in your home!

Typically, air ducts commonly used for  A/C systems are made with fiberglass insulation. While still inconclusive, studies are trending towards breathing fiberglass particles being a carcinogen. Our cleaning process includes a special coating to prevent fiberglass from breaking loose and becoming airborne post cleaning.

It could be time to clean your air ducts if:

  • You notice dust building up all over your house
  • Your allergies are getting worse or you’re coughing.
  • Waking up with runny nose or irritated eyes
  • You don’t know when the ducts were last cleaned in the home you just purchased
  • It has been more than 5 years since your last cleaning
  • You live close to an unpaved road or near the beach
  • You just finished a remodeling project

Air Quality Control Environmental enjoys restoring a healthy, clean environment in our customers’ homes.

Our air duct and dryer vent cleaning services are comprehensive, and our air purification systems are fairly priced and warranted. We come to your home prepared to clean any type of duct system using a combination of tools including, cable drives, air sweeps & whips, HEPA filtered vacuum and brush systems. We open and carefully clean each supply and return, clean the main trunk line, sanitize all the register grills, and finish with a bacteria-killing treatment. We use drop cloths to protect your home, and when we leave, your home is clean. All of our fees are established up front before we begin.